Contract signed to build Multi-Purpose Building at CDC Headquarters

July 12, 2022

Georgetown, Guyana – A monumental contract was today signed at the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) Headquarters to initiate the construction of a Multi-Purpose Building at the Thomas Lands location. The building will consist of administrative office space, a bond and warehouse, and other response facilities.

Prime Minister of Guyana, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, in his feature address stated that the facility will be a great asset to disaster risk management countrywide. The senior government official indicated that this project, which is estimated to be completed in 24 months, will be done by the book with a long – term focus on response management and mitigation. His sentiments were echoed by CDC’s Director General (ag), Major Loring Benons. “Over the years, storage and packing of relief items for CDC were done in different locations. We have a warehouse in Region 9 and packing and storage were done in various areas in Georgetown. The signing of this contact today would not only allow for the centralization of storage, but upon completion it is expected to facilitate easy loading and offloading of supplies, provide adequate space for packing hampers and convenient access to staff and the general public during emergency response activities for the delivery, packing and uplifting of relief provisions.” the Director General (ag) asserted with pride.

The construction contract is awarded to Avinash Contracting and Scrap Metal Incorporated to the sum of just above G$117 million. Innovative Engineering Consultancy Services has been tasked with supervising the project to ensure all financial deadlines are met. Representatives from both entities were present to affix their signatures to the contract. The facility will utilize 6400 square feet of the Commission’s grounds and will culminate the complex upon completion.