Region 3 benefits from El Niño Preparedness and Planning Session

Vreed-en-hoop, Guyana – Essequibo Islands-West Demerara (Region 3) today benefited from an interactive El Niño Preparedness and Planning Session which was mandated by the Honorable Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips. Coordinated by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC), the activity’s aim was to bring awareness to the impending dry season while activating the Region’s Regional Disaster Risk Management System (RDRMS).

The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region 3 through its Chairman, Sheik Ayube, facilitated the gathering which encouraged participation from farmers, the business community and representatives of the several Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs). The participants heard and digested presentations from the Hydrometeorological Office, NAREI, NDIA, GLDA, GWI and the Ministry of Housing and Water.

Primarily, it is expected that a prolonged dry spell will occur countrywide (with minimal rainfall) and as such, residents must prepare for the change in climate conditions. Subsequent sessions will be conducted in all other remaining Administrative Regions as the weather patterns are monitored.