Slipped Sluice Door causes flooding in Region 2

The Cabinet Taskforce on Flooding this afternoon received reports of a slipped Koker door at Andrews Sluice in the Evergreen/Paradise Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) of Pomeroon-Supenaam (Region 2). The incident occurred as a result of heavy waves during the above normal high tide period.
The Regional Democratic Council of Region 2 and other pertinent agencies are working to ensure that the situation is alleviated swiftly. So far, a temporary stop door is being installed and the original door removed, and the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) is working towards installing a new steel door subsequently.
Approximately 70 acres of rice land and 25 households have been reported to be inundated, while no reports of flood waters in homes were received. The tide has subsided somewhat and the flood waters are being discharged to the ocean.
The area will be monitored closely by the Taskforce, and all relevant stakeholders are on alert.
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