Stakeholders engage in National El Nino Preparedness and Planning Session

Georgetown, Guyana – Based on recent predictions from the Hydrometeorological Office that the nation will endure an extended dry season for the remainder of 2023, the Office of the Prime Minister has mandated that a National El Nino Preparedness and Planning Committee mobilize to mitigate the effects.

As a result, the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) has been tasked to lead and coordinate a Drought Preparedness and Awareness Campaign countrywide through the Regional Disaster Risk Management System (RDRMS). The first Planning meeting was held yesterday at the Commission’s Headquarters in Thomas Lands.

This interagency collaboration will utilize the expertise of relevant personnel from agencies such as Ministry of Agriculture, National Drainage and Irrirgation Authority (NDIA), National Agricultural Research Extension Institute (NAREI), Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA), Hydrometeorological Services, Ministry and Housing and Water, and Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).

The plan is to engage the leadership of the Regional Democratic Councils (RDCs) and Neighbourhood Democratic Councils (NDCs), and to identify vulnerable communities for more focused attention and assistance.