The National Library and CDC host Disaster Risk Management Workshop

The National Library in conjunction with the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) last week conducted a Disaster Risk Management Workshop at their Church Street location. The aim of the two-day (September 15 and 16) exercise was to plan for hazards and disasters that could directly affect the operations and resources of the institution, and to commence the process of developing a Disaster Risk Management Plan for the National Library. Other stakeholders such as the Guyana Fire Service and the Ministry of Education contributed to the workshop as well.
Ms. Emily King, Chief Librarian, indicated in her introductory remarks that the importance of this venture is to ensure that the National Library is equipped to effectively manage any hazard or disaster that surfaces. Ms. King also lamented on being appreciative of the guidance of the CDC, as the premier Disaster Risk Management agency in the country. Director General of the CDC, Lieutenant Colonel Kester Craig, applauded the reading institution for the initiative taken to ensure that they are ready to face any challenges, natural or man-made, that they encounter. The Director General added, “Strengthening the sector’s capacity to be better prepared for emergencies and disasters is vital and can be considered as a national priority. CDC trusts that through this process the National Library’s resilience can be enhanced…”. Sub-Officer Mr. Nigel Gravesande, part of the Fire Prevention Unit at the Guyana Fire Service, also joined in praising the Library’s initiative to take preparatory steps. He added that fire prevention is critical and an establishment such as the National Library is keen to heed the procedures necessary to maintain safety of life and property. The Ministry of Education’s Technical Officer, Mr. Cosmo Browne, indicated that the Government of Guyana is completely committed to supporting the Library in this endeavor and wished the workshop a success. Mr. Petamber Persaud, Chairman of the National Library Committee, closed the remarks segment by expressing gratitude for the initiative and collaboration to make the workshop a victory.
Day One (1) tackled an introduction to Disaster Risk Management, Hazard Assessment and Mapping, and Mitigation Measures; spearheaded by volunteers and staff of the CDC. Day Two (2) revealed the Elements of an Emergency Management Plan, Fire Prevention and Identification of Fire Hazards led by Mr. Gravesande, and the Development of a Draft of the National Library Emergency Plan. The comprehensive and informative workshop encouraged interactivity by having the participants merge in to groups and formulate strategies for Disaster Risk Management.
At the close of the two-day activity partakers agreed that the workshop yielded maximum results and set a precedent for other similar institutions to follow suit in preparation for hazards and disasters in Guyana.
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